Fruity Pinkish Flush

On my first article I would like to talk about something every boy and girl would probably like. Something that would make an ordinary skin look great. Something that could make a head turner out of you. A clear sign that simply say you could be in great condition. It's none other than a skin in the pink of health.

Have you ever wondered why some people got that great countenance brought about by healthy pinkish skin. It maybe genetics for some but what if you could have that same asset? What if you could leave the house without make up all of a sudden because your boss calls you or for whatever emergency that may arise? Ain't it wonderful to step out of the bed knowing with no fuss you look great.

Okay, enough about daydreaming and let's work on that coveted pinkish hue. I will divulge one of the first techniques I have personally experienced and will vouch on the actual results. This procedure is not the only path to achieve a pinkish skin but its one of the fastest and most natural way.

tomato juice
Drink a glass of tomato juice everyday!

Hahaha! The first reaction of my friends when i suggested this is "NOT IN A MILLION YEARS." At first I thought when I was drinking it, I'm gulping down spaghetti sauce minus the cheese and meat. Not a very pleasant experience though without the pasta too but like some food - you could actually gain that acquired taste over time through regular consumption (like wasabi, raw blue cheese, etc)

A variant in drinking this beauty potion is mixing it with lemon juice to add some kick on the benefits. The time it took me chugging this wonderful concoction is three weeks.

After this time frame you will notice the pinkish flush I told you. By then you will be more than willing to include this fruit juice to your daily diet.

You may wonder why is this miracle achieved?

Tomato juice contains lycopene, a naturally occurring substance in your skin found in small amounts. Lycopene also plays a role in the pigmentation of the skin which may be the reason why we get the flush when regularly consuming this beauty food.

No adverse effects have been reported on over consumption but like most things, we should do it in moderation. With regards to the taste, just think of it as something like exercise - no pain, no gain! :)


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