How to Become Gorgeous with Stress

There comes a point in my life that I have personal problems - love, family and other similar circumstances that could affect my emotions. I have tried different methods to forget them or dislodge that bad feeling.

These are the moments when I am in A State of Depression or Stress. As a result I have developed certain practices that one way or another seem to do a little bit more harm than good. Though its not easy to stop wallowing in self pity I would like to suggest to include a Beauty Habit with the following situations so you wont come out totally defeated once you realize that LIFE GOES ON and what a mess you have made of your self.

Situation # 1 - Sulking ( or staying a prisoner of your own home )
Yes this is very common to most people who refuse to face the reality of the situation. Most of us would rather lock themselves up in the house, watch television and sleep all day long.

Remember your problems wont go away unless you accept their existence and decide you want to be a hermit for sometime. Ok, so you beg to differ and say "it's really not that easy to move on." Alright, but I do suggest to take this as an opportunity for you to go into a state of Metamorphosis.

While sulking you tend to stay in the house and sleep a lot. While hibernating, I suggest that you slather a lot of beauty creams into your face both night time and day time and clean it religiously until you fall asleep again. So every time that you wake up you are pretty sure there is one thing in your life that is clearing up - which is your Face.

Situation # 2 - Lack of Appetite
There is also the tendency for you not to eat much. People completely disregard their meals and just stare blankly at nothing. That won't help either. So if it's hard for you to eat solid food cause its a bit tedious for the moment - ask the househelp to blend fruits and vegetables and go on a detox diet.

Yes, just one glass of a concentrated all natural drink would do the trick three times a day. A Detox Diet would be perfect during occasions when all you want to do is stare blankly at the wall or at the stars recalling all COULD'VE BEENS or WHAT IF'S.

By the moment you decided that there is no turning back time, you will discover that time indeed have turn back a little bit. A liquid detox diet of fruit, vegetables, and tea can bring a wonderful healthy glow even if it's just 3 days of fasting. But I don't encourage you to go back staring blankly hoping that you can get a bit prettier by doing so.

Situation # 3 - Violent Tendencies
Some of us tend to blame other people or become volatile when dealing with depression. At some point, our anger will cause us to be physical with the people around us. Not a very reasonable style to cope with your the problem.

You will keep people away if you continue doing this. What I suggest is that if you want to lash out all you want - then enroll in a boxing class. Yes, this class allows you to hit a punching bag and at the same time sweat out.

Every time you hit the punching bag you can shout as much as you want and you can hit it without fear of hurting anybody. A great way to release your emotions while getting that endorphins (a feel good hormone produced by exercise). By the time you are over the problem - your body would have evolved to something sexier and your mood is better. Remember to go regularly, regardless of how you're feeling - aggressive or passive.

Situation # 4 - Pigging Out
Other people cope with stress by over indulging with the food they want. Yes, it's better compared to the three other situations mentioned above but you are just putting more calories to your body and in turn, you are putting on weight.

People feel more depressed when they found out that they have grown an additional waist or chin, much worst created canckles (fusion of ankles and calves). Talk about really low self esteem.

Since you can't help eating out I would recommend that you go eating in a Seafood Restaurant. Gorge on white meat like fish because compared to red meats they don't stick around your digestive organs for days causing your tummy to bulge.

To suppress your appetite before pigging out, eat a big helping of fruits and vegetables so you will feel full and lessen your craving of putting in more junk. The great thing about Fruits and Veggies is, YOU CAN EAT ALL YOU WANT AND YOU WONT GET FAT - now where else can you go for a meal like that?

That's it. I hope that you would try this beauty techniques when dealing with your regular stress and depression, and hopefully they may help as well to get your self-esteem back. Sure some of the methods would require a little bit of will power but then again they can help you to get back on your feet.


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