This is the second part on determining your skin Category for my blog for the 16 types of skin. In this blog you will find out if you have Sensitive or Resistant to skin. It will determine if you have the probability to have pimples or reactions to certain stimuli. Again its crucial to answer it in all honesty so we could determine skin type do you belong on the 16 skin types.
1. Do you have red bumps on your face
a. Didn't happen
b. Sometimes
c. a monthly occurrence
d. you have one weekly
2. Skin care products which includes regular make up and cleaning products ( e.g. cleansers) can cause allergic reactions that leads to itching or create pimples.
a. Didn't happen
b. Sometimes
c. Regularly
d. Never use these products
3. Do you have acne or rosacea?
a. Never
b. My colleagues said I have it
c. Yup
d. A worst case of it
e. Uncertain
4. Do you get rashes when not wearing a 24 carat gold jewelry with your skin?
a. Unlikely
b. Sometimes
c. Regularly
d. Always
e. Unsure
5. You are allergic and feels itchy using sunscreens
a. Unlikely
b. Sometimes
c. Regularly
d. Always
e. Not a fan of Sunscreen
6. Do you have atopic dermatitis, eczema, or contact dermatitis?
a. Nope
b. Colleagues said I have it
c. Yup
d. A severe case
e. Unaware
7. Do you get rashes when wearing rings?
a. Unlikely
b. Sometimes
c. Regularly
d. Always
e. Dont like using rings
8. Fragrant bubble bath, massage oil or body lotions makes your skin itchy or feel dry
a. Unlikely
b. Sometimes
c. Regularly
d. Always
e. Never use these products
9. Do generic soaps from establishments like hotels pose as a problem when you use them?
a. Yup
b. Not really
c. It is a problem for me, makes me itchy
d. Wont use it cause I have a problem using them before
e. Havent tested because I have my own set of toiletries
10. Do you have a family history of eczema, atopic dermatitis, asthma or allergies?
a. None
b. Just one relative
c. A few relatives
d. Most of my relatives have them
e. Never checked them
11. What happens when you use scented laundry detergents?
a. Nothing
b. My skin feels dry
c. My skin feels itchy
d. I develop rashes that itchy
d Never use them
12. Do you develop red face and neck whenever you do light exercises or you are under some sort emotional stress when you are mad?
a. Unlikely
b. On some occassion
c. Regularly
d. A natural occurrence
13. Does your skin turn red after consuming alcoholic beverages?
a. Unlikely
b. On some occassion
c. Regularly
d. A natural occurrence
e. Dont drink alcohol
14. Does your skin turn red after consuming spicy foods or beverages?
a. Unlikely
b. On some occassion
c. Regularly
d. A natural occurrene
e. Dont eat spicy foods
15. Do you have visible broken blood vessels on your face?
a. Never have them
b. I counted 3 so far
c. I have somewhat four to 6 of them in my face
d. More than 6
16. In photo's do you look reddish?
a. Never noticed it
b. On some occassion
c. Regularly I am reddish on photo's
d. A natural occurrence
17. People are mistaken that you have sunburns even if you never been under the sun.
a. No one thinks that way about my skin
b. On rare occassion
c. Some people do and some people don't
d. No one believe I am not sunburned
18. Does your skin turn red or swells whenever you use cosmetics or whenever you use skin care products
a. Nothing happens
b. On some occassion it does
c. Regularly I have that but no always
d. I never use them because its a natural reaction of my skin
Scores for the result of the test is as follows
You get 1 point for all a answers, 2 point for all b answers, 3 points for c answers, 4 points for all d answer, and for all those e answers you get a 2.5.
Add plus 5 points to your score if you are diagnosed by your dermatologist to have acne, rosacea, contact dermatitis, or eczema.
If your points range between 34 - 72 you are indeed sensitive skin
If your points fall between 30 - 33 you are somehow sensitive
If your points fall between 25 - 29 you are somehow resistant
All score falling under 24 and below means you are resistant
Just follow my blog about this skin categories and you will find out what skin type do you belong from the 16 skin types. From these we will see the proper way to treat your skin on a personal level.
( Source :
The Skin Type Solution by Dr. Leslie Baumann printed 2005)