One of my most favorite fruit is strawberry. A fruit that grows on small shrubs on cold temperature climate. I like the hint of sweetness that it give and most of all its great to mix with most food like, shakes, salads, and chocolate fondues. When you purchase them on the produce section of the supermaret make sure you get the one that is the most freshest and mold free. This fruit is highly perishable and can last only for a few days in the fridge, having one of them contaminated with molds will damage the other fruits.
Thankfully this food is also one of those great food that can contribute greatly to your beauty and well being. Its high vitamin c content can help greatly in protecting the colagen and elasin structure of your skin making it more firm and lowering the risk of having bruises. It also helps to fight the side effects of pollution which is great because this fruit is handy you can snack it anywhere. Strawberries are known to have high amounts of ellagic acid, an acid that fights hydrocarbons derive from smoking which in turn damage our skin and lungs in the process
Just make sure you wash this fruit whenever you serve it so you wont consume the pesticides and dirt that comes along when it is harvested. Its most healthy when you serve it together with probiotic yoghurt and along with fruit salad served with grape vinaigrette. A dark chocolate fondue will be ok as well for those nights you want to get cozy and healthy with your partner. If ever these fruit is not in season healthy alternatives for it is raspberries, blueberries, oranges, and kiwi fruit.
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