How to make your Gym workout effective

I always go to the gym before and enjoyed every moment that I was their. Of course my objective was to gain some muscle and becoming more fit but it turns out I havent gain much of a mass although I have lose some weight in the process.

I repeatedly do the same mistakes that didnt make my workout worthwhile. Few month of going their didnt produce the muscle I desired plus its getting more tedious going back their due to lack of inspiration. The following are common mistakes I have observed on why most workouts is not effective in getting the result I want to achieve.

1. Sliming down by too much weight lifting - Most guys I know want to look macho pronto. Their objective is to have a lean muscular body as soon as possible but the method they do is wrong. They only get stocky and beefy but not lean and muscular which is the objective they want. Most of them put too much weight that they can hardly make a lift which is crucial for fat burning. We need to have 15 reps done in good form and done 2 to three sets per exercise. But if we are lifting to much weight we will only bulk up and we wont be able to lift much because its so heavy and its hard to reach the 15th count more so repeat the process.

2. Obsessing on your body at the gym - most of us think that achieving the body that we want at the gym is the end all of fitness. We spend a lot of time at the gym thinking we are in the perfect fit by working out a lot. The truth is to achieve complete body form you must have variety in your work out and get some exercise outside the gym. Yes doing the treadmill is fine and will cause you to sweat a lot but joining a marathon is so much better since their is more fresh air and a real terrain adds more value to the running. My point is dont limit yourself in just working out in the gym. Try to find other exercise outside the gym (e.g. sports) that will enhance your performance and body form. Remember we are also trying to avoid in making your workout becoming tedious in the process.

3. Dont rest too much between sets - We do know that rest is necessary between reps to catch your breath and recover your strength. But too much rest between reps will eliminate the benefit since you will recover too much. We are trying to shock your muscles so they would use more muscle fibers in your next rep. On top of that too much rest will somehow lessen the momentum of the exercise causing you to slack in the process. The best resting time between reps is a one minute or less.

4. Dont be in the rut of the same old exercise routine - When we go to the gym we must sweat out a lot and feel motivated all the time. But if for the past 4 or 6 weeks and your exercise routine is still the same you wont get any progress of developing any muscle at all. You must change your exercise routine every four weeks when your muscle finds it easy to do it. It maybe great to work out but we are not just maintaining your body to stay fit we also want it to change to the next level to get inspired and keep exercising.

5. Do stretching exercises - most guys I know just do minimal stretching before working out because they are too eager to lift weights. The end result is they compromise their flexibility and sometimes they also gain some injury during the work out. Stretching is necessary in a workout to warm up and relax your muscle at the same time. So dont skip stretching because its vital in any work out regimen. It might discourage you to lift weights if you damage your body in the process

These are just some of the things you must do to make your work out effective. In the future I will post more stuff in making your Gym workout really work for you. :)


Anonymous said...

Good One.... You understood well :)

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