One of the body part that I have trouble eliminating is my gut. Their are a lot of techniques on how to make it small in the shortest time possible from diet to some sort of creams that would make you perspire or spike your metabolism to increase your burn rate. The solutions are many and sometimes I could hardly implement all of them in my routine.
My gym instructor told me that their are actually exercises that could help and minimize the appearance of your beer belly but it would require to target specific body part for maximum result .
He specifically told me that the main problem why our stomach stand out compared to our other body part is that it require no effort to maintain its volume and we dont exert effort to even out the imbalance. One sure fire way to make it less prominent is make our shoulder and back more voluminous.
Shoulder and back are the muscle group closest to the gut and if they are miniscule in size all the more our bodies would look like walking pear's. The best way to create an illussion of a coke bottle figure even if our tummy is big is to increase the mass of both shoulders and back so to create a balance in their appearance making the tummy less obvious.
Another body part that my gym instructor advice to improve is my hamstring. These specific muscle support our body when we are standing. If they are weak we tend to slump thus in effect give the chance for our love handles or tummy to protrude. If we strengthen these muscles to support our overweight midsection we will lessen the chance for it to sag.
It would be silly of course if you just have your back, shoulders, and hamstrings improve while your other body parts look punny. These muscle improvement is advisable if you want to minimize the appearance of your tummy as soon as possible when your method is exercise. Over the course of time when you achieve the look you must target other body parts for growth like your arms and exercise that actually minimize the stomach. It would help of course to incorporate the tummy exercises while having these back, shoulder, and hamstring exercise for maximum effect.
The best way to get the most effective exercises for back, shoulder and hamstring is to ask your gym instructor for a program that would improve first those body parts while your other muscles grow at a close pace.
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