The Beauty of Juicing

"Bottoms up." This is my catch phrase before during my high school times when I frequently juice my veggies and my fruits so I could extract most of the nutrients. I have these big white juicer that I bought. I tried to juice all sorts of fruits and vegetables and I drink them individually.

I heard that Juicing help me get the most of the nutrients I want because minus the fiber the juice contains all the nutrient and it is easily absorbed by my system. It is also a good way to compliment a healthy diet and it will eliminate the tedious munching. A one day detox of fruits of vegetables guarantees health benefits like smooth skin and a boost in your immune system over long term practice. You just have to plan it for a day and make sure you are not doing anything tiring.

The only downside is when you are juicing these vegetables most of them dont taste good thats why children hate them on their plate. I tried drinking bittergourd (ampalaya) and white radish. The bittergourd is known to cure a lot of ailment including diabetes, it felt like after I gulped the first sip it numbed my tounge of taste because it is so bitter. Although its the case I simply drink it since I know it would be good for my over all health.

The real challenge though is drinking the white radish vegetable. They said that drinking it would eliminate most bacteria including worms in your system. Though that alone sounds encouraging, when I drink the glass it felt like I gulped down a bottle of muriatic acid. Their are times I actually spit the juice because of the taste. It felt like I am drinking a polyjuice potion in the book Harry Potter where Hermione actually dropped the bottle containing the potion due to the disgusting taste.

The only solution I come up with is mixing it with fruits. Yes it is possible that you can mix both vegetable and fruits to counteract that yucky taste of vegetables. Vegetables are more dense with nutrients compared to fruits, but on the brighter side fruits are more tarty and palatable compared to vegetables.

To sum it up to benefit mostly from juicing and if you would want to gain the most benefits in juicing, try to combine delicious fruits with gruesome tasting vegetables. This way you could have the best of both worlds with fruits and veggies, and get that beauty with no hassle from juicing like shiny hair, sparkling eyes, and so on so fort.


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