Stair Climbing For Weight Loss

In my quest for a greater pay, I worked nightshifts for a call center which usually gives almost twice as much the salary compared to regular day jobs. My shift usually starts around 10:00 to 11:00 at night and ends by early morning.

Most of the time I just sit and make calls. Sometimes I would go to meetings and attend call calibrations or seminars with regards to my department.

Because of these, my hormones started fluctuating and I developed food cravings at night. Of course, my eating pattern also turned upside down. My breakfast starts at 7:00PM, lunch at 2:00AM and dinner is served before I go home at 6:00 in the morning.

It's a given fact that our bodies have low metabolic rates during the night because it's the time when it supposedly repairs itself. For this same reason is my body having a hard time digesting.

As a result, I gained weight and in addition, I became a bit more sedentary because I'm tired most of the time.

OMG!!! I have to find a way to stop my girth explosion!

Due to time constraints, I find it hard to have a descent schedule to workout or exercise. But that doesn't stop me from finding resources to halt my advancing weight.

One of the things I noticed in my office is that we have plenty of stairs and elevators. I remembered one time when I walked from the basement up to the 5th floor because the elevator broke down. I was catching my breath and had a little sweat. This lead me to research about the advantages of climbing stairs.

Stair climbing is actually major calorie burner. Stair climbing for 15 to 20 minutes will make you lose 140 calories or more depending on the intensity. Not bad especially if you like running errands at the office. And since this is an activity that involves mostly your lower body, it's a great way to tone your butt and thighs.

Thus, now, I use the stairs most of the time to go to my office floor - which by a happy coincidence is the topmost floor in our building!

Although this is not enough to lose my gut, it is however a great aid in losing weight specially when you are at the workplace.

Watch out for my article next week on exercises you can do while in the office. I'm sure it would help you a lot to maintain that lovely figure even if you are at your work place.


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