Healthy Fruity Bloody Mary

This is a personal recipe I concocted while at home. I was shopping at Rustan Makati and pass over the fruit stand saw all my favorite fruits which are hard to find as well. I grab a basket put all rare fruits I could pick. This juice that I specially brewed (speaking like a witch) is designed specifically to purify the body but accidentally would do great wonders fo the skin as well. The following are the ingredients

Ingredients :

150 grams watermelon

150 grams strawberries

100 grams raspberries

6 pieces of cherries

Procedure :

Drop all the ingredients in a blender with 2 to 3 pieces of ice cubes or depending on how evaporated you want the juice to be. Top with whole strawberries or cherries if desired and drink right away.

The ingredients of this healthy drink composed of fruits good for the skin like watermelon which is perfect on hydrating the skin and its packed with beta carotene and vitamin c. The strawberries and rasberries are known to be high in anti-oxidants that fights free radicals in your body. Its high in potassium, lycopene, and zinc which are great in purifying your system. So everytime you and your friends have a get together instead of the real bloody mary try to replace it with this mix blend of red fruits for a change. Its definitely free of hang over and you will wake up the next morning with a healthy glow.


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